We're happy to talk about absolutely anything and everything with you, whether that's ideas for ways to collaborate, hearing what you thought about anything we've published, or to give advice on anything around publication and the literary scene if you're new or just unsure.
Email: editors (at) placeholderpress.co.uk
Instagram: @readplaceholder
Facebook: @readplaceholder
Twitter/X: @readplaceholder (honestly, none of our socials are active at the moment, but i'm not sure if we're going to come back to this one? it's the social media that makes casey the most miserable. should we make this one all jakob's problem? are people actually using alternatives like bluesky? while you're on the contact page, please let us know your thoughts)
Please note we're not taking submissions - right now we're just coming back from the dead to get our house in order and make sure we're giving a good home for everything we put out between 2019 - 2021.
We spent a long time on hiatus because lots changed in our lives, which meant we weren't able to give everything it takes to run a publishing project, especially as a team of two. Because of this, we're not going to jump back into actively publishing again until we're sure we have the time/energy/attention/money/resources spare to do it well, and to do it sustainably. We don't want to come back, make a lot of promises, then have the project crash and go on hiatus again.
If we do get to a point in the future where we're looking to release new work again, it'll be in a way we can do reliably, and we don't know what that'll look like yet. Never say never, but right now we're not looking too far ahead as a necesssary part of making sure we're keeping our feet firmly on the ground where we are, and maybe working towards taking a single step forwards at a time.