To: Placeholder Press
From: Adrienne Walser
Subject: Pride Month Chapbook Submission
I’m excited to submit this creative non-fiction manuscript for possible publication. Much of my previous writing has been academic in nature because I came from Tucson to Los Angeles for a the USC English graduate program. I have now lived in Los Angeles for twelve years. I most recently worked for a non-profit organization as an Instructional Specialist in public high schools. I was also faculty for the Bard MAT program. I have writing published in the following: Pastelegram: Projects Exploring Archives and Artistic Process, Art Book Review, Jacket2, Film International, and CARLA (Contemporary Art Review Los Angeles); an excerpt from this piece was published in Yes Femmes. I currently serve as the Arts & Culture editor for the online literary magazine, Entropy.
This manuscript is personal, poetic and political. Because it is about intimacy, pain, and the body, it is about my body and my experiences and about other people’s bodies and experiences.
Thank you,
Adrienne Walser
To: Adrienne Walser
From: Placeholder Press
Subject: Re: Pride Month Chapbook Submission
Hi Adrienne, thank you so much for submitting to Placeholder Press!
This manuscript is absolutely fantastic. I want to thank you for letting us read it, let alone submitting it to us, and I would be ecstatic if you’d allow us to publish ‘Entertainer of the Year Runner-Up’ as part of our pride month celebrations. This is exactly what we set up Placeholder to share – honest, intimate and important – and I’m so grateful we might get to be part of it.